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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


2:48 Another "Land"

This is giving me major pet dog John case vibes
13:44 Ah, they mentioned it!!
Even reanimated the bit too!

She just left that mold there?? Didn't even try to hide it in a more secure place??

LesK • 2 years ago

yeah, leaving that mold basically screwed her bad.

plus, the cops should have swabbed the dog's mouth to test for human blood. perhaps when it licked the old lady it got some in its mouth. so, they would also have to check the dog's teeth for clothing fibers from the wife and the mother-in-law. additionally, the angle depth and direction of attack would be easily discovered from the wounds during the autopsy. a dog hopping up like that going for the throat would NOT have performed a perfectly square bite on the horizontal axis on the SIDE of the old lady's neck.

i know Irish setters, my family and i raised English setters and the two breeds' behaviors are easily interchangeable. Irish are INCREDIBLY friendly, almost non-territorial, and just about the goofiest, hyperactive, and most curious dog breed i know. Irish are also infamous for how 'dumb' they are compared to the other hunting/retrieving breeds. it is because they're too often 'line bred' too closely for their appearances in shows. one too many cousins in 'the mix' and you get dumber and dumber Irish setters. not many Irish are used in hunting anymore here in the US. this is due to the 'sight and scent and pointing' behaviors humans originally bred them for; those have almost entirely been eliminated due to 'show breeding'. of course, some bloodlines have been preserved that have excellent intellects and hunting instincts. but those are few and far in-between with the Irish setter anymore.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah I know that John dog case is still good

strange guy • 1 year ago

A third detective dog case seriously these two detective dog cases can never top the John one

Taboretto • 2 years ago

In my country dog attacking someone would be put to sleep without further investigation. This dog was really lucky.

LesK • 2 years ago

that really is sad, you should find some way to change that law. because there's quite a cheap and easily used swab test to check a dog's mouth to see if it has bitten a human. you rub a clean cotton swab that is attached to a long piece of wood inside the dog's mouth and along the gumlines of its teeth. then you take the soft plastic vial out of the test kit. there's a liquid in the vial and a tiny ampule also. you crack the tiny ampule inside the vial's liquid and gently shake it for a few seconds. then, you pop the top off the vial, swirl the sample swab in the mixed chemicals and wait for the clear liquid to change color. if the color matches a small chart included in the test kit, you know for certain that dog has bitten somebody and drawn blood.

also, you can check the dog's teeth for clothing fibers that would match the ones the dog grabbed. that test is necessary if the dog didn't break the victim's skin.

just like in this episode, bite impressions have to be taken of the accused dog's mouth to see if they match any wounds on the victim or their clothing/personal items.

i wonder how many poor household pets get killed every year in your country even though they are totally innocent?

Satilinethejay • 4 months ago

7:23, is someone framing the dog?

strange guy • 1 year ago

Also breaking the fourth wall at the end

idd0ki • 1 year ago

cute dog <3